Sunday, May 25, 2008

Celebration of Africa: Africa Unity

Today is a celebration day for Africa. A lot of people throughout the world are celebrating the official creation of the African Union. It is a great opportunity to celebrate African diversity and success.
But what is the African Union?
It all started on the 25th of May 1963 when the Organisation of African Unity was created in Addis Abeba. At this time, it had 32 independent member states.

The Organisation of African Unity (OAU) had the following objectives: promote the unity and solidarity of the African States;

2. to co-ordinate and intensify their cooperation and efforts to achieve a better life for the peoples of Africa

3. to defend their sovereignty, their territorial integrity and independence

4. to eradicate all forms of colonialism from Africa; and

5. to promote international cooperation, having due regard to the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Haile Selassie ( an Ethiopian emperor) is said to be the father of the Organization of African Unity. He played a decisive role in the convening of the summit in 1963 and the signing of the OAU charter. The Emperor Haile Selassie demonstrated throughout his life a great interest in Africa’s peace, progress and prosperity.

The well being of the African continent is in between the African Youth and it is more and more important to understand that All African countries should UNITE and stand for their rights and well being.

It is really sad to see what is currently happening in South Africa or in Darfour.

One of Heile Selassie’s speech has been set to music by Bob Marley in the song War.

In this speech Heile Selassie explained that it is crucial to stop making differences and unfortunately until that day will come, there will be war all over the world!

Here are the lyrics of the song WAR:

Until the philosophy
which hold one race Superior and another inferior
Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned
Everywhere is war, me say war

That until there are no longer first class
And second class citizens of any nation
Until the colour of a man's skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes
Me say war

That until the basic human rights are equally
Guaranteed to all, without regard to raceDis a war
That until that day
The dream of lasting peace, world citizenship
Rule of international morality
Will remain in but a fleeting illusion
To be pursued, but never attained
Now everywhere is war, war

And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes
That hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique, South Africa sub-human bondage
Have been toppled, utterly destroyed
Well, everywehre is war, me say war
War in the east, war in the west
War up north, war down south
War, war, rumours of war
And until that day, the African continent
Will not know peace, we Africans will fight
We find it necessary and we know we shall win
As we are confident in the victory
Of good over evil, good over evil, good over evil
Good over evil, good over evil, good over evil

The OAU was disbanded in 2002 and replaced by the African Union. You can read more about the African Union if you go to:

Don't forget that you can discover unique and hand-made African art if you go to:

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