Sunday, November 30, 2008

African famous quote ( part 2)

Today I made some further researches in relation to African quotes and here are some new African quotes from West Africa.
Don’t insult the crocodile until you cross the water.

It means be careful when you critize others

Only a knife knows what the inside of a coco-yam looks like.

It means that the person who investigate and research something understand the subject.

A big blanket encourages sleeping in the morning.

It means that luxury encourages idleness. If you have worked hard and made wise choices, you will
find contentment.
A bird that is eating guinea-corn keeps quiet.

It means that you should dedicate yourself to a task.

Rats don’t dance in the cat’s doorway.

It means that you should not look for trouble.
A hippopotamus can be made invisible in dark water.

It means that it is important to be informed and alert. Ignorance can lead to danger.

If your house is burning, there is not time to go hunting.

It means that it is important to make priorities.

Don’t forget that you can purchase African art if you visit the following links below:

Sunday, November 23, 2008

African art: Zaouly ( Zaouli) mask

Zaouly mask is a symbol of the Gouro community in Ivory Coast.


It is said that Djela Lou Zaouly was a goddess for the Gouro people. The Gouro word “ Djela Lou Zaouly” means “ The lion’s daughter”.Zaouly is a goddess for beauty.


You can purchase a Zaouly mask if you visit one of the following links:

Zaouly masks have always bright colours . They can be used for ceremonies and also in funerals. They are always associated with a special stylish dance . You can see the dance if you visit the following links:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ebay versus Ebid

A quick note to inform you that My Afrik’Art is currently testing a new auction platform called Ebid.
You can see our listing if you visit the following link:

The main advantage of Ebid is the fact that the insertion fees are minimum or even inexistant compare to Ebay. Therefore you don’t have to pay if your item does not sell. It seems fair compare to Ebay which is charging you a lot of money and does not help you bring more traffic to your auction ( for instance changing the way their search engine works does not help a lot of sellers). Ebay became too big and they forgot to stay human. Ebay customer service is very bad and most of the time when you contact them for an issue, they don’t even bother to answer you.
Therefore I invite everybody who is currently Ebay addict or fan to have a look at ebid and see by yourself.
Happy bidding…

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

African mask - Kple Kple mask

Let’s look at one type of mask that we never referred to before: Kple Kple mask
The Kple Kple mask is from the Baoule community in Ivory Coast.


The face refers to the sun, and the sunbeams are represented by polychromed triangles.This type of mask is usually used in commemorative, agricultural and burial ceremonies. The mask would generally be worn with a raffia (grass) costume attached to the lower section of the mask reaching to below the waist with a grass skirt and other grasses covering the body and legs.
Below you will see an image of a ceremony when the Kple Kple mask was used.


Baule masked dancers of the Goli society, Kondeyaokro village, Côte d’Ivoire. Photograph by Eliot Elisofon, 1972

You can purchase this type of mask if you visit the following link before the 2nd of December. It could be a nice present to add an exotic touch in some of your relatives house or even if your house during the winter time: